Triotonic meets Lorenz Raab

Triotonic – The Colour Of Four
crack0023 - Nov 2008

The Colour Of Four

Artists: Lorenz Raab (flgh), Volkhard Iglseder (p), Oliver Steger (b), Bernhard Wittgruber (dr)

Two innovative voices of the new Austrian jazz scene have found a common musical language on “The Colour Of Four”: Triotonic und Lorenz Raab. The solo-trumpeter at the Wiener Volksoper and winner of the Hans-Koller-Prize is one of the Austria’s big crossover music personalities.
Triotonic, on the other hand, maintain a fascinating mixture of European jazz and classical/romantic music. Founded in 1999, the Trio played their way into the hearts of a wide audience within a short space of time. Their two albums “sensitive” (2002) and “homecoming” (2005) received much attention and were also praised internationally by the press.
“The Colour Of Four“ is going to open a new chapter in the history of the band: everything flows with a sense of self-understood lightness, Raab’s lyrical and sometimes highly energetic trumpet lines melt together with the Trio’s seasoned and cultivated sound. From ethereal and balladic to powerful and captivating, the entire bandwidth of jazz and improvised music can be heard.  The influence of classical as well as the broad field of world music create a definitely positive note and give the whole project an unmistakeable touch.

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Triotonic – The Colour Of Four
CD-Cover (print)

Concert dates and more information you’ll find on the website of Triotonic.


Triotonic meets Lorenz Raab – “Three”

Triotonic live at Radiokulturhaus Vienna 2009
Veröffentlicht am 22.07.2009